Battery Services and Repair in Orange Park, FL
Proper Transmission Performance & Engine Performance Depends on a Fully Charged Battery
Virtually all of today's transmissions are computer controlled. That is, their operation depends on a series of electrical signals controlled by a computer, which develops its control signals based on data from a series of sensors and switches all around the vehicle. When the computer determines that conditions are right, it completes the circuits to operate solenoids inside the transmission, which, in turn,control the transmission. All of the signals - the data from the sensors and switches, and the control signals from the computer - are electrical. They all originate from the same place: the vehicle battery. So, a healthy, fully charged battery, with clean, tight terminals, is critical for proper transmission & Engine operation. Any reduction in battery capacity will have an effect on transmission & Engine operation. And in some cases, a battery that seems fine may not have enough capacity to control (TCM) Transmission Control Modules or (ECM) Engine Control Modules operation properly.
This is why Transmission Hero recommends a thorough battery test as part of every electrical diagnosis.
This test may include any or all of these procedures:
• Battery no-load voltage test
• Battery load test
• Terminal condition inspection…and, in some cases, may even include a charging system inspection.
Transmission Hero's position on computer system diagnosis is that the battery must be tested first. Any problems
identified in the battery or charging system during these preliminary tests must be corrected before the
technician can begin an accurate evaluation of the computer control systems.
Failure to permit these tests or any repairs they reveal will prevent the technician from performing
the computer system evaluation properly. Any test results recorded while the battery was below accepted
limits will be suspect and may not provide adequate information to repair the vehicle.
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