Posted on 2/25/2022

While many manual transmission vehicles are preferred in other countries like Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, most drivers in the U.S. and Canada drive automatic transmissions. If you're looking to buy a new car or just wondering what makes these two so different, read on. We will break down the differences between automatic and manual transmissions into four categories: driving, performance, fuel economy, and cost. Driving - This is the most noticeable difference between the two types. Manual drivers use a shift stick and clutch pedal to shift gears based on the vehicle's speed. In contrast, automatic transmission cars do not have those components. Hence, automatic drivers do not constantly shift gears, making it simpler to drive. Performance - In the past, manual transmission gives the driver more control, power, and acceleration. However, today's technology has bridged the gap between the two types of vehicles in terms of performance. Fuel Economy - Hi ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2022
If your car simply doesn't seem normal, odds are you're overdue for a tune-up. Tune-up is a vague terminology in the automotive repair business because it can include a wide range of services. It can also vary from car to car, depending on its current needs. Sometimes scheduled maintenance isn't enough, and the services that go beyond the manufacturer's guidelines are usually included in the tune-up. Tune-ups refer to any type of minor maintenance demanded by a vehicle to ensure it runs correctly. Below are some of the services that may be included in a tune-up: Replacing air and fuel filters Changing out spark plugs Checking belts and hoses Cleaning the fuel system Flushing fluids & More. Signs That Mean Your Car Needs a Tune-up Drop-in fuel efficiency - If you can't seem to put a finger on why your mileage has dropped, you should take your car to the auto repair shop. There are many things that can affect your mileage, including a wide range of mechani ... read more